Our hearts remember Brynley, a joyful 4 year-old Pre-K Resurrection Catholic School student who filled her classroom with laughter and kindness. Her love of learning and kind spirit touched our school in a special way. To honor her memory, Brynley’s family invites donations to Resurrection Catholic School, helping us continue to nurture young hearts and minds in her loving spirit.
Give in Brynley's Memory
Children are gifts from God entrusted to our care. | Los niños son un don de Dios confiados a nuestro cuidado.
Our children are the future of the Catholic Church and society. | Nuestros niños son el futuro de la Iglesia Católica y de la sociedad.
Each child needs a supportive, safe, and caring, yet disciplined environment for learning. | Cada niño necesita un ambiente de apoyo, seguro y afectuoso, aún disciplinado para aprender.
Parents/guardians are the primary educators. | Los padres/guardianes son los educadores principales.
Catholic ideals, virtues and values are to be cultivated and practiced. | Los ideales, virtudes y valores Católicos deben ser cultivados y practicados.
Children learn at different rates and have different learning styles. | Los niños aprenden a diferentes ritmos y tienen diferentes estilos de aprendizaje.
Children need opportunities for their growth of self-confidence, respect, love of God and neighbor. | Los niños necesitan oportunidades para crecer en confianza en sí mismos, respeto, amor a Dios y al prójimo.
Children need to be successful, contributing citizens in the world. | Los niños necesitan ser ciudadanos exitosos y contribuyentes en el mundo.
Resurrection Catholic School provides students with a Christ-centered education rooted in Sacred Scripture and the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. By encouraging their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development nurtured in a multicultural environment, we guide each child on his or her journey to become a disciple of Christ.
La Escuela Católica Resurrección brinda a los estudiantes una educación centrada en Cristo arraigada en las Sagradas Escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Al fomenter su desarrollo espiritual, intelectual, emocional, social y físico alimentado en un ambiente multicultural, guiamos a cada niño en su camino como discípulo de Cristo.
Resurrection Catholic School provides students with a Christ-centered education rooted in Sacred Scripture and the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. By encouraging their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development nurtured in a multicultural environment, we guide each child on his or her journey to become a disciple of Christ.
La Escuela Católica Resurrección brinda a los estudiantes una educación centrada en Cristo arraigada en las Sagradas Escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Al fomenter su desarrollo espiritual, intelectual, emocional, social y físico alimentado en un ambiente multicultural, guiamos a cada niño en su camino como discípulo de Cristo.
Resurrection Catholic School’s mission and beliefs guide and motivate us every day to give our students the very best education possible. This poster hangs in every hallway in our school to remind us why we do what we do.